Rishikesh is one of the most popular places in Uttarakhand and draws yoga enthusiasts and professionals around the year. It is quite apt, due to its synonym ‘Yoga Capital of the World’. Moreover, the place is located near the Dev Bhoomi, which boasts of the holy pilgrimage sites. Rishikesh offers the right ambiance for yoga and meditation. The mountains, streams, and forests surrounding the place, act as the perfect backdrop for your spiritual journey. If you are looking for yogic knowledge, and want to make it your career, you should enroll for the Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh

Stop searching elsewhere, where the birthplace of yoga is right there to provide you with the right tools for your yogic journey. Let us check out some of the reasons, why you should hold the place in high esteem, and select a school in Rishikesh for yoga courses. 

Why Choose Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh?

  • According to the Vedas and Upanishads, the exchange of yogic knowledge took place between Lord Shiva and the seven sages, right there in the foothills of the Himalayas. So, you get to access yogic knowledge from authentic sources. Traditional yoga knowledge is what most schools lack, each one developing a lineage of its own. However, schools like Namaste Yoga imparts authentic and traditional knowledge to students from all walks of life. It is one of the best yoga school in Rishikesh, today. 
  • You can experience authentic ashram life at Namaste Yoga School. The experience is more like a Gurukul system, where students and teachers develop a relationship of mutual respect and devotion. Additionally, you will be living on a strict diet in the ashram, while your course is on. Yoga is more about the mind than the body. Food impacts the brain and each cell of the human body, in myriad ways. Proper food intake helps in the development of qualities, which will help you to connect to the higher universe. Furthermore, you will experience the life that yogis lead, devoid of luxuries. 
  • Rishikesh is one of the most popular destinations for yoga tourism as well. So, you will meet other yoga enthusiasts and professionals there. You will also get to interact with people from other countries. Exchange cultural information, with one another, forge friendships, and get opportunities to network later on. These are the ones who will support you in your quest for that perfect job abroad. Moreover, you will learn to accept one another’s backgrounds and limitations. This is a quality, which will take you far in your life and career. 
  • Most importantly, you will be able to get a yoga teacher training course at affordable rates. That is one of the reasons, why most westerners are choosing India for their yoga training today. India offers the most reasonably priced yoga courses, in the whole of Southeast Asia. 
  • Namaste Yoga School is one of the most renowned registered yoga schools in Rishikesh. So, you will be able to get a Yoga Alliance certification, after you successfully complete the course. After you complete all your assessments and examinations, you can apply for the RYT 200 certification. It will help you to secure a position in one of the best yoga schools abroad, as a yoga teacher. Your name also goes up on the yoga directory, from where people look up the details of good teachers, either for their school or personal practice. 

Final Words

These are a few reasons, why you should choose 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. The weather is also quite comfortable all around the year, which adds to the allure of the place. Being less polluted, you get to practice yoga in a clean environment. Immerse yourself in the world of yoga, right where it originated. 


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